Analysis professorship academic training: the case of the sabbatical leave at National Technological Mexico during the academic years 2012-2018




Refresher courses, skills development, teacher leave, further training, teacher education curriculum


This research article aims to analyze the academic training of the professors that enjoy a sabbatical leave at the National Technological Institute of Mexico (TecNM). For this purpose, quantitative non-experimental research was conducted, with a transversal and descriptive design to the applications and final reports of n=3,179 persons who submitted their applications during the academic years 2012-2018. This sample represents 30.97% of the total of 10,264 full-time academic teaching personnel, belonging to 132 federal institutions of TecNM. The major results found in the sample of n=3,179 from the sabbatical leave are: 34.22% (1,088) are women and 65.78% (2,091) are men; 71.98% (2,288) reinforce the elaboration of notes, training manuals, or books; the terminal efficiency is 88.44% (2,357 persons in a state of release); 36.7% (1,167) of the persons are aged between 58 and 68; 85.91% (2,695) carry out its activities in its institution; an average of 4.85% (498) of the total 10,264 full-time academic teaching personnel enjoy this benefit annually. It is also proposed that, during the sabbatical leave at TecNM, the participation of the younger generations is promoted, that the teacher mobility abroad is encouraged, and that participation in all its academic programs is leveled. Finally, it is concluded that the TecNM invests an important resource in the academic training of its professorship through the 18 academic programs of the sabbatical leave, to maintain its quality academic teaching personnel.

Author Biographies

Arturo Gamino-Carranza, Tecnológico Nacional de México

Ingeniero en Electrónica por el Instituto Tecnológico de Veracruz. Maestro en Ciencias en Control Automático por el Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Es profesor Titular y jefe del Área de Ciencias de la Ingeniería de la Dirección de Docencia e Innovación Educativa del Tecnológico Nacional de México. Sus áreas de interés como investigador se enfocan en Morfología Matemática, Memorias Asociativas e Innovación Educativa.

Gabriela Vázquez-Hernández, Tecnológico Nacional de México

Licenciada en Administración de Empresas con especialidad en Enseñanza Interactiva por la Universidad de Londres. Es jefa del Área de Periodo Sabático de la Dirección de Docencia e Innovación Educativa del Tecnológico Nacional de México. Su área de interés es la Educación.

Rocío Elizabeth Pulido-Ojeda, Tecnológico Nacional de México

Ingeniera Civil por la Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas. Maestra en Ciencias de la Administración con Especialidad en Informática. Es Directora de Docencia e Innovación Educativa del Tecnológico Nacional de México. Sus áreas de interés como investigadora se enfocan en Modelado de Estructuras y Modelos de Enseñanza para la Educación.


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How to Cite

Analysis professorship academic training: the case of the sabbatical leave at National Technological Mexico during the academic years 2012-2018 (A. Gamino-Carranza, G. Vázquez-Hernández, & R. E. Pulido-Ojeda , Trans.). (2020). Revista Electrónica Educare, 24(3), 1-33.



Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed Section)

How to Cite

Analysis professorship academic training: the case of the sabbatical leave at National Technological Mexico during the academic years 2012-2018 (A. Gamino-Carranza, G. Vázquez-Hernández, & R. E. Pulido-Ojeda , Trans.). (2020). Revista Electrónica Educare, 24(3), 1-33.

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