New Configurations in the Didactic Space. Analysis of Educational Inclusion Policies From the Perspective of Radical Constructivism Proposed by Humberto Maturana




Educational inclusion, radical constructivism, emotions, public policy, diversity


Objective. This essay aims to reflect on the changes experienced by education in Chile since the implementation of the General Education Law (LGE) in 2009, which brought direct consequences in the implementation of various regulations and decrees from an inclusive perspective and valuing diversity. Discussion. This reflection is based on the epistemological view of Radical Constructivism as an explanatory domain of the ontogeny of knowledge from the subjectivity of the subject, his experiences, and interactions, rejecting the idea that reality is objective. Based on learning, this epistemic trend places the emotions as promoting elements of scopes for actions for the development of the teaching-learning process, which is coherent with the presented international studies that problematize emotions as a central element for such process. Conclusion. The conclusion is based on the understanding of emotions from an inclusive point of view, which allows explaining from what is proposed by the Radical Constructivism, the importance of emotions in the analysis of the results of the current public policy, and its affectation in the learning processes within the didactic space. 

Author Biography

David Reinaldo Román-Soto, Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación

Licenciado en Educación y Profesor de Educación Diferencial en Problemas de Aprendizaje, Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación (UMCE). Master en Trabajo Social y Políticas Públicas, Universidad de Fribourgo, Suiza. Becado del programa de Doctorado en UMCE. Académico del Departamento de Educación Diferencial de la Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación en la carrera de Educación Diferencial en Problemas de Aprendizaje. Docente de la carrera de Educación Diferencial mención Dificultades Específicas y Socioafectivas del Aprendizaje Escolar, Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano. Coordinador Académico Fundación Súmate por la Inclusión. 


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How to Cite

New Configurations in the Didactic Space. Analysis of Educational Inclusion Policies From the Perspective of Radical Constructivism Proposed by Humberto Maturana (D. R. Román-Soto , Trans.). (2022). Revista Electrónica Educare, 26(2), 1-12.



Essays (Peer Reviewed Section)

How to Cite

New Configurations in the Didactic Space. Analysis of Educational Inclusion Policies From the Perspective of Radical Constructivism Proposed by Humberto Maturana (D. R. Román-Soto , Trans.). (2022). Revista Electrónica Educare, 26(2), 1-12.

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