Pedagogical Intervention as a Challenge of University Education. Towards an Articulated Practice


  • Erick José de Padua Quesada Vargas Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica



Pedagogy, professional practice, educational intervention, university training, curriculum, special education needs, university curriculum.


The following addresses the importance of the pedagogical intervention process  undertaken by the students of the Faculty of Education. This process can be considered as backbone of dialogic confrontation between theory and practice. The main objective is to generate an analysis to reflect on the true intentions that are born not only from each university course, but also to evaluate the creation of  a coordinated and interrelated proposal enriched by each grade level. The main intention is to enrich university education starting from posing questions that allow us to assess how the process is structured, not only from the coordination achieved between courses each period, but also from the relationship that should exist in the construction of conceptual, practical and attitudinal strengths that are created both gradually and sequentially. The construction of an alternative development proposal is seeked; one which starts with the learning processes’ sequenced and linked coordination.  

Author Biography

Erick José de Padua Quesada Vargas, Universidad Nacional

Magíster en Educación con énfasis en Docencia Universitaria (2004), bachiller y licenciado en educación con énfasis en Educación Rural I y II ciclos (2003), licenciado en Administración Educativa (2006), todos títulos otorgados por la Universidad Nacional. Actualmente académico propietario de la División de Educación Básica del Centro de Investigación y Docencia en Educación de la Universidad Nacional. Además, desde el 2005 profesor de cursos del Plan 200 del Ministerio de Educación Pública-Instituto de Desarrollo Profesional Uladislado Gámez.  Experiencia profesional de 16 años como docente de I y II ciclos y director de instituciones de educación primaria, tanto en instituciones de carácter público como privado.


División de Educación Básica, Centro de Investigación y Docencia en Educación, Universidad

Nacional. (s. f.). Curso de construcción pedagógica desde el aula escolar (DBJ-2012). Heredia,

Costa Rica: Autor.

Ministerio de Educación Pública. (2005). Programas de Estudio del Ministerio de Educación

Pública. San José, Costa Rica: Autor.

TEDxPura VidaED. (Productor). (2012). Educación subversiva [Video]. Recuperado de



How to Cite

Pedagogical Intervention as a Challenge of University Education. Towards an Articulated Practice (E. J. de P. Quesada Vargas , Trans.). (2013). Revista Electrónica Educare, 17(2), 167-182.



Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed Section)

How to Cite

Pedagogical Intervention as a Challenge of University Education. Towards an Articulated Practice (E. J. de P. Quesada Vargas , Trans.). (2013). Revista Electrónica Educare, 17(2), 167-182.

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