Capitalismo global y cambio educativo. Los fundamentos estructurales e ideológicos de la política educativa neoliberal


  • Guillermo Miranda Camacho Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica



The reconfiguration of the social and political hegemony of the capital consolidated with the union of the New Right (neoliberals and neoconservatives) was a reaction against the crisis of capital accumulation that took place during the early 1970´s. The strategic objetives the this hegemonic block were basically the re-establishment of globalized capitalism and the establishment of a neoliberal political and cultural hegemony.

This essay provides an hermeneutic approach to show that the irruption of educational discourse and the neoliberal education policy are essential elements of the political and economical program promoted by the New Right as a way to face the following structural changes: the regulated crisis of capitalist accumulation that began in 1973; the crisis of legitimation and rationality of the State of contentment; the dismantling of the Keynesian pact and the sociodemocrat agreement in postwar education; the economical restructuring opposite to the acumulation crisis; the imperatives of configuration, introduction and legitimation of the new social structure of global capitalist accumulation and the consolidation of neoliberalism`s hegemonic culture.

Author Biography

Guillermo Miranda Camacho, Universidad Nacional

Sociólogo, graduado en la Universidad Nacional (UNA), Costa Rica. Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de Málaga, España. Ha realizado investigaciones en el campo de la sociología de las políticas educativas, tanto en Costa Rica como en España. Profesor de la División de Educación Rural del Centro de Investigación y Docencia en Educación (CIDE), Universidad Nacional (UNA), Costa Rica.


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How to Cite

Capitalismo global y cambio educativo. Los fundamentos estructurales e ideológicos de la política educativa neoliberal (G. Miranda Camacho , Trans.). (2004). Revista Electrónica Educare, 7, 13-42.



Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed Section)

How to Cite

Capitalismo global y cambio educativo. Los fundamentos estructurales e ideológicos de la política educativa neoliberal (G. Miranda Camacho , Trans.). (2004). Revista Electrónica Educare, 7, 13-42.

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