Students with Attention Deficit Disorder Carrying out Tasks of Reading Comprehension and Text Production: A Comparative Study in 4th-Grade Students of Primary Education in Chile




Attention deficit disorder, reading comprehension, text production, learning disabilities.


The present article aims to compare the performance in students with Attention Deficit Disorder to those who do not present it, in tasks of reading comprehension and text production carried out by students attending the fourth grade of primary education. This quantitative, non-experimental comparative study aims to provide evidence regarding the way in which this condition limits the learning outcomes in the tasks of comprehension and production of texts, language, and communication. One the main findings of this research was that students with attention deficit disorder showed lower reading comprehension performance than their peers who do not presented this diagnosis. This same tendency was observed in the results of the texts production tasks. This implies that the disorder affecting the attention in students with it interferes in the process of language learning. This generates challenges and new questions for those who do research in this topic; and for the case of teachers, it presents new challenges when planning the teaching in order to adapt it to the specific requirements of these students in the area of language.

Author Biography

Fabián Andrés Inostroza-Inostroza, Universidad Alberto Hurtado

icenciado en Educación, Profesor de Educación General Básica por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2011), Magíster en Educación mención Dificultades del Aprendizaje por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2015). Actualmente cursando estudios de Doctorado en Educación por las universidades Alberto Hurtado y Diego Portales (2016). Ejerció durante 5 años como profesor de primaria en establecimientos municipales y particulares de la ciudad de Santiago en Chile. Participó en proyectos de investigación estatales como ayudante y tesista de Magíster (proyectos FONDECYT). Actualmente es revisor de la revista Iberoamérica Social – Red de estudios Sociales en el área de educación. Ha publicado en temáticas como: educación y discapacidad, matemáticas y exclusión, dificultades de aprendizaje en el área de las matemáticas, proyectos de integración escolar y necesidades educativas especiales.


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How to Cite

Students with Attention Deficit Disorder Carrying out Tasks of Reading Comprehension and Text Production: A Comparative Study in 4th-Grade Students of Primary Education in Chile (F. A. Inostroza-Inostroza , Trans.). (2017). Revista Electrónica Educare, 21(3), 1-20.



Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed Section)

How to Cite

Students with Attention Deficit Disorder Carrying out Tasks of Reading Comprehension and Text Production: A Comparative Study in 4th-Grade Students of Primary Education in Chile (F. A. Inostroza-Inostroza , Trans.). (2017). Revista Electrónica Educare, 21(3), 1-20.

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