The contribution of tourism to the costa rican economy: over a decade after




Productive sector, Value added, Public policy, Tourist GDP, Product Input Matrix


In 2005, the last article related to the contribution of tourism to the Costa Rican economy was published, therefore, due to the importance of this activity for the country; it has been considered to update and expand the analysis of its results, over a decade after the first publication. The data was gathered from official sources, both national and international; which guarantees the reliability of the information generated. The international context is presented as well as the behavior of a series of variables that makes it possible to determine the contribution to the Costa Rican economy. The two activities that contribute the most to tourism and the economy in general are the "characteristic products of tourism" and "tourism-related services"; generated mostly by microenterprises, due to the risks they face because of their commercial vulnerability; moreover, the largest producer of revenues is the one related to "accommodation"; and secondly, "other industries related to tourism"; these last ones enable more and better commodity chains. According to the Central Bank of Costa Rica, the tourism GDP for 2016, the latest data available, was 1 554 928 million of colons [corresponding to US$ 2 712,6 million], representing a value added of 6,3% for domestic production; although, based on the country’s potential and due to the variety of resources and territories, this contribution could be much greater.

Author Biography

Shirley Benavides Vindas, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica

Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica. Dra. Académica e investigadora del Programa Sectores Productivos, Competitividad y Desarrollo.


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How to Cite

The contribution of tourism to the costa rican economy: over a decade after. (2019). Economía Y Sociedad, 25(57), 1-29.



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How to Cite

The contribution of tourism to the costa rican economy: over a decade after. (2019). Economía Y Sociedad, 25(57), 1-29.

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