Temporal analysis of the NDVI of the Purrumpampa wetland in Huamachuco and its relationship with urban expansion
NDVI, urban sprawl, wetlandsAbstract
Urban expansion generally implies the informal occupation of vulnerable natural spaces, which leads to the deterioration of these ecosystems. This same phenomenon occurs in the Purrumpama wetland, located in Huamachuco, a city in the Sierra Libertad of Peru. For this reason, the objective of this article was to carry out a temporal analysis of the flora present in the wetland, contrasting the results obtained with a temporal analysis in Google Earth and identifying the relationship with urban expansion. For this purpose, Landsat 8 and Google Earth satellite images were used, delimiting the study area as established by the plans of the Sánchez Carrión Provincial Municipality. In this way, it will continue that there is a constant decrease in vegetation cover in the South and South-East areas of the wetland, calculating a loss of 74,792 m2 of the wetland from 2012 to 2021. Likewise, it was argued that the ambivalent actions of the municipality has legitimized the occupation of houses and control actions have been ineffective.
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