Validation of Thematic Mapping. Case Study: Carrying Capacity of the Territory in Three Cities of Ecuador
Reception capacity, cartography, confusion matrix, GIS, sample sizeAbstract
Thematic cartography is a main input for territorial planning in Ecuador, so it is essential that it be validated. The Instituto Geográfico Militar is the entity in charge of the management and approval of cartography in the country, since 2018, has been implementing thematic geoinformation generation projects at a scale of 1: 5 000; using, as ascientific approach, landscape ecology and, for thematic mapping validation, statistical methods (non-probabilistic) and sampling techniques, in order to compare the cartographic models generated with the reality of the territory, applying the confusion matrix. This article presents the methodology to determine sampling sites for field of three cities: Quito, Guayaquil and Cuenca. The results indicated, in terms of the validation of Reception Capacity cartography, that these cities had a 77 %, 47 % and 79 % respectively of model-reality match, with a kappa index of 0.66, 0.16 and 0.63, respectively.
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