Surface water quality and socio-environmental pressures in the upper microbasin of the Poás river




Water quality, surface water, quality index, socio environmental characteristics, watershed, Poás


The objective of this research was to determine the quality of surface water in the upper part of the Poás river micro basin and the main socio-environmental pressures that may be related to current quality indices. An exploratory study with a quantitative approach was carried out in which the main socio-environmental pressures experienced by the water resource in the area were identified, while the quality of the surface water was determined based on physical, chemical, and microbiological indicators, as well as the application of two quality indices. Six socio-environmental pressures with a negative impact on the resource were found and related to specific actions carried out in homes and other socio-economic activities. Despite the fact that the evidence showed overall compliance between the analyzed parameters and quality criteria used nationally and internationally, the indices revealed incipient contamination levels, as well as good and medium quality. Statistically, it was found that water quality of the micro-basin does not vary spatially; however, it does vary temporarily due to the incidence of rainfall patterns in the area. This finding, along with the determination of significant correlations between the monitored parameters, contributed to the recognition that the sites monitored in the rainy season have a stronger relationship with parameters associated with organic pollution linked to runoff and wastewater discharge processes. Therefore, it is necessary to coordinate efforts that guarantee sustainability of the micro basin that improve the local sanitary infrastructure, strengthen water management processes, and are focused on the establishment of a monitoring network within a reference framework oriented towards basins.


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Surface water quality and socio-environmental pressures in the upper microbasin of the Poás river. (2022). Uniciencia, 36(1), 1-23.



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How to Cite

Surface water quality and socio-environmental pressures in the upper microbasin of the Poás river. (2022). Uniciencia, 36(1), 1-23.

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