A scheme to analyses the statements of the student in context of problem posing
Problem posing, analysis scheme, problem solving, Mathematics EducationAbstract
The problem posing is considered as an important activity in the formation of mathematical skills of students, so they have made efforts to study it as a process of instruction in math classes; however, few investigations addressed strategies designed to assess student productions at this type of task. Thus, the construction and implementation of a analyses scheme that was used in a broader research study that aimed to characterize the arithmetic performance of a group of talented students in mathematics is presented. To do an analysis of the study variables of arithmetic problems and a study of the tools used in previous research was conducted, which allowed define three categories of analysis and in each study variables. The results show the feasibility of such a scheme to characterize the problems invented by students, identify different levels of complexity in the same and to assess the degree of profundity and appropriation of the knowledge learned.
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