

As of 2024, the delivery of manuscripts as preprints will be voluntarily implemented, by 2025 it will be mandatory. The use of preprints is part of the principles of open science and seeks to expedite the availability of information to readers. Preprints are preliminary versions of texts that are in progress and have not yet been refereed.

On the other hand, we will not accept manuscripts with citations or bibliographic references that direct to preprints, since these are documents not yet reviewed by an editorial body; its use will be restricted to exceptional and justified cases.

Here you can find a list of preprints repositories developed by COAR  (Confederation of Open Access Repositories). Among them we can highlight ZENODO, which is a multidisciplinary repository that can host all kinds of documentary materials and products resulting from research projects and academic activities and is part of OpenAIRE, the non-profit organization of the European Union to promote open science.