Project for the creation of an educational documentation centre


  • Deyanira Sequeira


Documentation Center, Ministry of Public Education, Design of the documentation center, Functions of the Documentation Center


Project of the Department of public Education in collaboration with the National University in the creation of a center of educational documentation to be presents to the World Bank.


CAVEIS. Sistema CAVEIS de clasificación y recuperación de la información. Quito: 1980. 1v.

LANCASTER, F.W. The measurement and evaluation of library services.

Washington, D.C. Information Resources Press, 1977. 395 p.

VICKERRY, B. C. Information systems. London: Butterworths, 1973

p. ( Diagrama de p.15 se tomó de VICKERRY, p. 34 )

Washington Library network: Schedule of charges for computer system

Service, 1979-80. Library Technology reports 15 (6) : 782-789.

Nov/Dec 1979

TEDD, L. A. An Introduction to computer – based library Systems.

London: Heyden, 1977. 208 p.

ATHERTON, Pauline. Manual para sistemas y servicios de información.

París: UNESCO, 1978. 345 P.




How to Cite

Project for the creation of an educational documentation centre. (2018). Bibliotecas, 2(1).

How to Cite

Project for the creation of an educational documentation centre. (2018). Bibliotecas, 2(1).

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