Strengthening of the link between the EBDI and the graduates of the Library Science and Information Management career at the National University




Higher Education, Library Science Education, Graduates, Training Needs, Costa Rica


The objective of this research is to strengthen the link between the Escuela de Bibliotecología, Documentación e Información (EBDI) de la Universidad Nacional of Costa Rica and the graduates of the career using different resources and strategies. This study had a quantitative approach and was descriptive; the data collection was done through a digital questionnaire applied to 189 graduates, of which 105 answered the instrument.

As main results and conclusions of this research, it is possible to highlight the achievement and organization of the updated contact data of the graduates to facilitate the communication and linkage of both parties. Likewise the need for a continuous professional updating plan for these people that considers the topics of interest that were identified and the determination of a series of aspects that this School must take into account for the realization of strategic alliances in order to facilitate new initiatives that strengthen both academic training and the joint realization of projects according to the interests of both the graduates of the Career and the EBDI.


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How to Cite

Strengthening of the link between the EBDI and the graduates of the Library Science and Information Management career at the National University. (2022). Bibliotecas, 40(2), 29.

How to Cite

Strengthening of the link between the EBDI and the graduates of the Library Science and Information Management career at the National University. (2022). Bibliotecas, 40(2), 29.

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