Study of the effects of an earthquake on a geodetic reference frame




Geodesy, earthquake, deformation, GNSS


The principal objective of this research is to analyze the impact of the earthquake of September 05, 2012 on a set of sixteen Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) stations located in Costa Rica. This is an explanatory investigation based on the calculation of weekly free solutions, which were later combined to obtain a final solution which was in turn used to generate time series that show variations in the position of the stations. It was observed that GNSS stations located at a maximum distance of 140 km from the epicenter of the earthquake experienced changes in both their position and in the magnitude of their speed, with the stations located in the Peninsula de Nicoya being the most affected. It is concluded that the event studied produced significant changes in the position of thirteen of the analyzed stations, while three stations were not affected by the earthquake.


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How to Cite

Study of the effects of an earthquake on a geodetic reference frame. (2020). Uniciencia, 34(1), 1-19.



Original scientific papers (evaluated by academic peers)

How to Cite

Study of the effects of an earthquake on a geodetic reference frame. (2020). Uniciencia, 34(1), 1-19.

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