Reflections on Intercultural Experiences of Mapuche Students at University: Academic and Affective Dimensions in Projection




Higher education, Mapuche university students, university experiences, initial teacher training, racism, discrimination


Introduction. The experience of minority groups in academic training arises in a scenario of tensions between the predominantly Western and monocultural education system related to family education and different types of knowledge acquired by students, as well as the reproduction of other forms of racism. These tensions have been well documented during school years, while in the university education of indigenous students in Chile, the tensions have been scarcely explored.  Objective. This study examines the beliefs and representations of a group of Mapuche students concerning their academic and socio-affective experiences at a university in Temuco, Chile. The study was conducted in the context of initial teacher training immersed in an education system traditionally monocultural. Methodology. The methodological design was based on educational research and an interpretive paradigm. Twelve students who self-identify as Mapuche indigenous people were interviewed. These interviews were analyzed through the open coding technique.  Results. The main results reveal that university experiences are diverse and keep core contents related to discrimination, which influences the insertion and progression in vocational training. Conclusion. The study allowed identifying the most satisfactory university experiences, those associated with the positioning of the student with respect to their cultural identification, and the creation and maintenance of support networks.

Author Biographies

Eliana Marcela Ortiz-Velosa, Universidad Católica de Temuco

Doctora en Educación de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Católica de Temuco. Magister en Educación con énfasis en gestión educativa y Currículo de la Universidad de San Buenaventura de Medellín Especialista en gerencia educativa de la Universidad de San Buenaventura de Medellín y Teóloga de la Fundación Universitaria Seminario Bíblico de Colombia. Línea de investigación: Educación e interculturalidad.

Enrique Riquelme-Mella, Universidad Católica de Temuco

Doctor en Desarrollo Psicológico. Aprendizaje y Educación por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Director de investigación de la Universidad Católica de Temuco y Profesor asistente de la Facultad de Educación de Universidad Católica de Temuco.


Ximena Gutiérrez-Saldivia, Universidad Católica de Temuco

Estudiante de doctorado en Educación en Consorcio, Universidad Católica de Temuco (UCT). Máster Universitario en Intervención Psicopedagógica por la Universidad de Granada, España. Profesora de planta temporal de la carrera de Pedagogía en Educación Diferencial de la UCT. 


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How to Cite

Reflections on Intercultural Experiences of Mapuche Students at University: Academic and Affective Dimensions in Projection (E. M. Ortiz-Velosa, E. Riquelme-Mella, & X. Gutiérrez-Saldivia , Trans.). (2022). Revista Electrónica Educare, 26(3), 1-22.



Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed Section)

How to Cite

Reflections on Intercultural Experiences of Mapuche Students at University: Academic and Affective Dimensions in Projection (E. M. Ortiz-Velosa, E. Riquelme-Mella, & X. Gutiérrez-Saldivia , Trans.). (2022). Revista Electrónica Educare, 26(3), 1-22.

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