About the Journal
ISSN: 1409-1070 / EISSN: 2215-3403
Economía y Sociedad since 1996 has promoted the publication of articles and essays with novel analytical approaches and perspectives, promoting the common good and social and environmental justice. It also boasts a plural approach to the social sciences, promoting theoretical and methodological diversity. This open access project aims to disseminate knowledge based on scientific essays and articles, which contribute to the national and international debate on development and public policies and thus face current socioeconomic challenges. The journal is indexed in: SciELO, SHERPA/ROMEO, Latindex, DOAJ, ESCI, MIAR, Dialnet, ECONBIZ, biblat, Genamics Journal Seek, JournalTOCs, EuroPub, ROAD, GSI, CSUC, EZB, Zeitschriftenbibliothek, Brooklyn Public Library, Biblioteca Electrónica de Ciencia y Tecnología, Journals for Free, Kyushu University Library, SSKS, SUL, Toronto Public Library, Keystone Library Network, ORTON, University of Saskatchewan, Canadá, WorldCat, Sicultura y REDIB
Publishing entity: Universidad Nacional, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Escuela de Economía
Periodicity: Semiannual (January - June and July - December)
Areas and descriptors: Economy, development, environment, society, social justice, common good
Contact email: economiaysociedad@una.cr
Economía y Sociedad is a journal of the Economic School of the National University of Costa Rica (ESEUNA), published on biannual basis (January-June and July–December). It is part of an effort to promote economic alternatives and critical thinking from the perspective of an economy and ethics of development. Besides, this journal promotes the publication of articles with approaches and perspectives of analysis, not only innovative, but also favoring the common good, as well as the social and environmental justice. The journal also has a plural approach of social sciences, promoting the theoretical and methodological diversity, provided that they contribute to face the socio-economic challenges societies and represent a contribution to knowledge. The journal receives articles throughout the year, it evaluates them using the double-blind methodology, by peer specialists external to the journal. The average time for the evaluation and publication of the articles is from 8 to 12 weeks.