EISSN: 1409-4258


Educare Electronic Journal is edited and published by Center for Research and Teaching in Education (CIDE, by its acronym in Spanish) from Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica (National University, Costa Rica). It is an international, academic, electronic Journal. The journal is published quarterly: the first number covers January to April and is published on January the 1st; the second one, covers May to August, and is published on May the 1st. The third number is published  on September the 1st and covers September to December. 

Educare’s aim is to disseminate academic production in the area of Education, both nationally and internationally, allowing authors to communicate their findings and readers, the possibility to discover the extensive work related to the discipline and its impact and relationship with other fields of knowledge. In search of the construction of interdisciplinary pedagogical thought, the Journal seeks academic reflection; the discussion and analysis of the published knowledge; the incorporation of new perspectives; the reference to innovation and the presentation of successful methodological applications. Aware of the wide range of expressions in this discipline, from theoretical conceptualizations to practical exercises, Educare offers a space for exchange, dissemination and promotion of Education.

Its thematic coverage is education in all its disciplines and applications. The Journal's target audience is constituted by the national and international community of researchers, students, degree and postgraduate careers and all the public that is interested in the diversity of disciplines of education.

Descriptors: Continuous Education; adult education; university education; special education; rural education; preschool education; long distance education; artistic education; basic education; citizenship education; civic education; sex education; Information and Communication Technology; educational information; guidance, non-formal education, virtual education, MOOCs...

Types of articles: Original articles (derived from research on educational activities, bibliographical reviews and essays). Languages: Educare receives articles in their original languages: Spanish, English or Portuguese.

Open Access. All articles are Open Access, to get more information on this subject  go to: Instructions to Authors.

The Journal’s Editorial Board members represent different institutions: University of Costa Rica, State Distance University, Technological Institute of Costa Rica, National University of Costa Rica and Ministry of Education. The International Scientific Board has members from around the world. The Journal also has a Reviewers Board made up of external peers in charge of determining the pertinence and impact of the papers, using the double blind peer review mode. Papers received after July 1st, 2019, will be evaluated through simple blind peer review which implies the anonimity of the peer. The responsibility of processing and giving continuity to the content of the Journal rests on the Editorial Team, represented by the Journal's Chief Editor.

For an original paper to be submitted to Educare, the author should fill and sign the Originality Statement and Copyright Transfer Agreement; the paper must be adapted to the guidelines mentioned in the Instructions to Authors, both available at Documents and Guidelines. If the paper is written by several authors all must sign this Letter. Licensing and intellectual property protection. The Journal and each of the articles and essays published are licensed by Creative Commons 3.0 Costa Rica (CC): BY-NC-ND. NO APC. Neither authors nor readers have to pay in order to submit, process, publish or read Educare’s articles. Funding. Educare is financed with resources that come from Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica. Educare provides a DOI number to each published article. Dictamination Form (available in Spanish). In order to guarantee transparency, the Journal offers an evaluation form, that includes the aspects considered to determine the pertinence and impact of each paper. This document can be consulted in the Journal’s home page. References and citation must be constructed following APA Style rules.

Check for Educare's participation in indexes and databases in the upper menu "Indexed in".


Web Pagehttp://www.revistas.una.ac.cr/index.php/EDUCARE

Interoperability, OAI-PMH URL: http://www.revistas.una.ac.cr/index.php/educare/oai

ROR Id UNA, Costa Rica:  https://ror.org/01t466c14

Contact: MAU. Liana Penabad, Editor in Chief

Email: educare@una.ac.cr

Web site: http://www.revistas.una.ac.cr/index.php/EDUCARE

Current Issue

Vol. 28 No. 3 (2024): Revista Electrónica Educare (September-December) Under construction
Published: 2024-09-01

Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed Section)

  • Towards a Democratic Coexistence: The Challenge of Re-thinking Citizenly the Education and Management of Two Chilean Schools

    Braulio Vásquez-Espinoza, Alberto Galaz-Ruiz, Marcelo Arancibia-Herrera
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15359/ree.28-3.18478
  • Digital Skills and Student Autonomy in Higher Education: Validation and Diagnosis

    Armando Sánchez-Macías, María Guadalupe Veytia-Bucheli, Isabel Cristina Flores-Rueda
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15359/ree.28-3.18655
  • Myths and Realities of Rural Schools. The Voice of Families and Teachers

    Manuela Raposo-Rivas, Silvia Sierra-Martínez, Almudena Alonso-Ferreiro, Olalla García-Fuentes, María Ainoa Zabalza-Cerdeiriña
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15359/ree.28-3.18446
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