Aesthetic Quality as a Research Subject in Educational Contexts. An Essay on the Normativity of the Pedagogical and the Aesthetic




educational quality, educational sciences, aesthetics, research


The notion of aesthetic quality addresses a dimension of educational processes that is still scarcely explored and linked to various modes of sensitive perception in pedagogical times and spaces. Regarding aesthetics as a constitutive dimension of educational quality in general, we examine two critical aspects for its research: 1) the normative implications of the notion of quality; 2) the normative distinctions that operate implicitly or explicitly in the pedagogical and aesthetic realm. The essay is developed in four moments. First, we present the state of the art of the research on aesthetic quality in Chile drawing on the example of research on school environment. Second, we analyze the difficulties posed by this notion in pedagogical and aesthetic terms. Third, we distinguish three types of normativity in this kind of research (perceptual, aesthetic and pedagogical). Finally, we offer some reflections on the scope and limits of researching this notion.

Author Biographies

Carlos Willatt, Universidad Autónoma de Chile

Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Este trabajo recibió financiamiento de la Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo de Chile (ANID), a través del proyecto Fondecyt Postdoctoral N.o 3200018.

Daniela Castro-Sosa, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Profesora de Pedagogía Media en Ciencias Naturales y Biología, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Romina Salinas-Trujillo, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Profesora de Pedagogía Media en Ciencias Naturales y Biología, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Valentina Vásquez-Orrego, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Profesora en Educación General Básica mención Ciencias Naturales, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.


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How to Cite

Willatt, C., Castro-Sosa, D., Salinas-Trujillo, R., & Vásquez-Orrego, V. (2023). Aesthetic Quality as a Research Subject in Educational Contexts. An Essay on the Normativity of the Pedagogical and the Aesthetic. Ensayos Pedagógicos Journal, 18(2), 1-24.

How to Cite

Willatt, C., Castro-Sosa, D., Salinas-Trujillo, R., & Vásquez-Orrego, V. (2023). Aesthetic Quality as a Research Subject in Educational Contexts. An Essay on the Normativity of the Pedagogical and the Aesthetic. Ensayos Pedagógicos Journal, 18(2), 1-24.

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