The Citizen Habitus in the Costa Rican Civic Education Program from the Ethics, Esthetics, and Citizenship Project




civic education, culture, political education, secondary school curriculum, social science education


This article deals with the thorough reflection regarding the desirable citizen profile stated by the Ministry of Public Education in the Costa Rican Civic Education Syllabus through the concept of citizen habitus constituted within the structuralism-constructivism. In order to achieve this, the researcher first analyzed the work of the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu to build a theoretical-conceptual proposal of the citizen habitus concept. Secondly, the author conducted a qualitative content analysis of the Civic Education Syllabus to establish basic lines to set a general outlines of the citizen habitus established as expected by the Ministry of Public Education. Finally, the researcher stated a series of considerations that aim to contribute to expand the perspective of analysis, reflection, and debate in terms of the Civic Education in the educational phenomenon.

Author Biography

Rafael Calderón Méndez, Instituto de Educación Integral

Profesor e investigador. Licenciado en la Enseñanza de los Estudios Sociales por la Universidad de Costa Rica, Diplomado Superior en Investigación, Transferencia y Desarrollo Educativo por la Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina. Ha trabajado como investigador para el Instituto Nacional de Investigación Educativa INIE y como docente en la Cátedra de Didáctica de la Universidad de Costa Rica.


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How to Cite

Calderón Méndez, R. (2023). The Citizen Habitus in the Costa Rican Civic Education Program from the Ethics, Esthetics, and Citizenship Project. Ensayos Pedagógicos Journal, 18(2), 1-20.



Academic Articles

How to Cite

Calderón Méndez, R. (2023). The Citizen Habitus in the Costa Rican Civic Education Program from the Ethics, Esthetics, and Citizenship Project. Ensayos Pedagógicos Journal, 18(2), 1-20.

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