

  • Lucrecia Barboza Jiménez


Children's Library, Miriam Àlvarez Brenes, Gardens 1, Jardines2


This year the Children's Library, "Brenes Miriam Alvarez" has almost thirteen years of operation, which is dedicated to high quality and effort to serve the communities surrounding the campus Gardens Gardens 1 and 2.

After so many years has been the need to expand its services and products to other communities that have shown interest in your child (ren) may benefit (s) with the services offered.

For this reason, in this issue of Library Journal presents a study conducted by the Institute of Social Studies in Population (IDESPO), in collaboration with the Library staff.

Author Biography

Lucrecia Barboza Jiménez

GRADO ACADÉMICO: Licenciada en Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información

COLEGIADA: Carné 979


PRIMARIA: Escuela Domingo Faustino Sarmiento (1979)

SECUNDARIA: Liceo de Aserrí (1984)

UNIVERSITARIA: Universidad de Costa Rica. Licenciatura en Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información (1993) Actualmente cursando el Programa de Maestría Virtual en Museología de la Escuela de Sociología de la Universidad Nacional (ingreso al programa: septiembre del 2009) 




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