Productive chains in Costa Rica: an application from data matrix input-output


  • Carlos Chaverri Morales Banco Central de Costa Rica, Costa Rica



Industrial Policy, Sectoral Planning Methods, input-output model


One of the main applications of the information obtained from the input–output matrix is the study of an economy’s productive structures. This information has proven extremely effective in identifying, through simulations, activities or products that have greater impact on economic dynamics. This analysis can contribute to the development of public policy strategies aimed at boosting economic growth and employment in the medium term.

This paper is aimed at building and analyzing the traditional indicators of production chains- forwards and backwards- for the Costa Rican economy using the information from the 2011 Input Output Table (2011 OIT) prepared by the Central Bank of Costa Rica. This methodology is based on the work by Hirschman (1958) and Chenery and Watanabe (1958) and has been widely used to address various issues regarding intra-industry linkages.

Results confirm not only the consolidation process experienced by the activities and products related to the services sector as a motor of the Costa Rican economic activity, but also the idea that these activities generate the highest forward linkages.

Author Biography

Carlos Chaverri Morales, Banco Central de Costa Rica

Economista. Investigador. Departamento de Investigación Económica. Banco Central de Costa Rica


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How to Cite

Productive chains in Costa Rica: an application from data matrix input-output. (2016). Economía Y Sociedad, 21(49), 1-25.



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How to Cite

Productive chains in Costa Rica: an application from data matrix input-output. (2016). Economía Y Sociedad, 21(49), 1-25.

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