Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Organic Chemistry: A Case Study of the University Teacher




Contextual school knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, disciplinary knowledge, historical-epistemological knowledge, psycho-pedagogical knowledge.


 From Science Education, the Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) is making an important contribution to the analysis of teacher training and the improvement of professionals. As such, a study was conducted to characterise the PCK of a teacher holding a degree in chemistry teaching; he teaches organic chemistry concepts at a higher education institution. The research involved a case study and was qualitative in nature; document analysis was also used as an analytical technique; besides, information was collected by use of Representations of Content (ReCo), Pedagogical and Professional Experience Repertoires (PaP-eR), document analysis of the participating teacher’s work, classroom observation, and interviews. With these tools, we were able to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the participating teacher, and from there, to infer aspects that needed improving in training undergraduates in chemistry. I found that, in this case, the teacher sees himself as chemist and not as chemistry teacher (i.e. there is a lack of professional identity); perhaps, because it is the dominant factor in his disciplinary knowledge at the expense of topics related to the knowledge of school context, as well as historical-epistemological and psycho-pedagogical knowledge. The latter indicates, as a characteristic of the participant’s PCK, that this PCK is incipient due to the disarticulation of its components, which weakens the teaching of organic chemistry concepts. This suggests the need to strengthen the initial training of teachers in their role as teaching professionals, and to integrate components of the PCK.

Author Biographies

Diana Lineth Parga-Lozano, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Profesora e investigadora del Dpto de Química, Facultad de ciencia y tecnología

William Fernando Moreno-Torres, Secretaría de Educación de Cundinamarca

Es licenciado en química, magíster en docencia de la química. Es profesor de química en la Secretaría de Educación de Cundinamarca, Colombia; cuenta con experiencia laboral en el sector educativo privado y público.


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How to Cite

Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Organic Chemistry: A Case Study of the University Teacher (D. L. Parga-Lozano & W. F. Moreno-Torres , Trans.). (2017). Revista Electrónica Educare, 21(3), 1-21.



Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed Section)

How to Cite

Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Organic Chemistry: A Case Study of the University Teacher (D. L. Parga-Lozano & W. F. Moreno-Torres , Trans.). (2017). Revista Electrónica Educare, 21(3), 1-21.

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