Detection and objects tracking present in 2D digital video with Matlab


  • Melvin Ramírez Bogantes Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Carlos M. Travieso González Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
  • Rafael Ángel Calderón Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Jorge Arroyo Hernández Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Oscar Salas Huertas Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Federico Mora Mora Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Juan Pablo Prendas Rojas Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica


Processing digital video, digital signal, MatLab, Apis Mellifera


This paper presents the main results of research obtained in the design of an algorithm to detect and track an object in a video recording. The algorithm was designed in MatLab software and the videos used, which  presence of the mite Varroa Destructor in the cells of Africanized Honey Bees, were provided by the Centro de Investigación Apícola Tropical (CINAT-UNA).  The main result is the creation of a program capable of detecting and recording the movement of the mite, this is something innovative and useful for studies of the behavior of this species in the cells of honey bees performing the CINAT.






How to Cite

Detection and objects tracking present in 2D digital video with Matlab. (2013). Uniciencia, 27(2), 39-50.



Original scientific papers (evaluated by academic peers)

How to Cite

Detection and objects tracking present in 2D digital video with Matlab. (2013). Uniciencia, 27(2), 39-50.

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