Digital Tools Used in Face-to-face Higher Education: A Systematic Review




Higher education, technological education, information and communication technologies, audiovisual instruction, computer assisted teaching


Introduction. The higher face-to-face education can benefit from technological tools to promote, improve, and introduce new teaching methodologies. Method. This research aimed to characterize the digital resources/tools used to support the face-to-face modality and the challenges encountered in the introduction of these tools to this modality. The study implemented a systematic literature review; it examined the following databases: Scopus, Scielo, Proquest and Ebsco Host. Boolean operators “AND” and “OR” were used to compose the search equation (“Online teaching” OR “Online learning” OR “online education” OR “online tools “ OR “digitais tools” AND “university” OR “graduate” OR “undergraduate”) in Spanish, Portuguese, and English. The literature review was conducted between 2015 and 2021 in the areas of education and social sciences. Results. Out of the 14,801,280 articles found, only 11 were obtained through PRISMA systematization. It is necessary to explore the potential of digital tools in the face-to-face modality. This exploration is an essential competence to develop in higher education. Therefore, educational institutions should promote digital skills in both students and teachers. The use of digital tools can be categorized as content-oriented, collaborative, and for self-reflection. Conclusion. Students and teachers use technological resources in their lives, but there is still little investment on the part of teachers to integrate these resources in face-to-face classroom settings. This lack of investment has led to problems such as connectivity issues, technological incompetence of the actors, and difficulties in introducing digital tools in curricular and extracurricular activities.

Author Biographies

Ana da Costa Polonia, Centro Universitário Euro-Americano (Unieuro, DF)

Post-doctorate, doctorate and master's degree in Psychology. She works as a teacher and psychologist at the Center for Support to Students and Teachers of the Euro-American University Center (Unieuro, DF). She develops activities in the areas of Developmental and Educational Psychology, besides the mental health area. She is a member of the Virtual Education investigation group of the César Vallejo University (Peru).


Angélica Inês Miotto, Centro Universitário Euro-Americano

Pedagogue and Master in Education. She works as a teacher and pedagogue in the Support Center for Students and Teachers of the Euro-American University Center (Unieuro-DF). She has experience in the area of Education, with emphasis on teacher training. She is a member of the Virtual Education investigation group of the César Vallejo University (Peru).

Josefina Amanda Suyo-Vega, Universidad César Vallejo

She has a doctorate in Education and a master's degree in University Teaching and develops training activities at the National Agrarian University La Molina, National University of Callao, Sapientae Catholic University Headquarters and the Peruvian Institute of Business Administration. She works as a teacher and is the coordinator of the Virtual Education research group at the Universidad César Vallejo (Peru).



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How to Cite

Digital Tools Used in Face-to-face Higher Education: A Systematic Review (A. da C. Polonia, A. I. Miotto, & J. A. Suyo-Vega , Trans.). (2023). Revista Electrónica Educare, 27(3), 1-19.



Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed Section)

How to Cite

Digital Tools Used in Face-to-face Higher Education: A Systematic Review (A. da C. Polonia, A. I. Miotto, & J. A. Suyo-Vega , Trans.). (2023). Revista Electrónica Educare, 27(3), 1-19.

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