The Journal of History is an indexed academic publication published every six months (January-June / July-December) by the School of History of the Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica (UNA).
This journal is oriented towards the dissemination of research that contributes to the development of the historical discipline, as well as interdisciplinary studies with a historical perspective.
Proposals for publication are received throughout the year by e-mail: Those interested should first follow the rules for publication and other instructions for authors as available on this site.
The Journal of History seeks to publish the majority of scientific articles and academic papers by authors outside its publishing entity (Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica).
Publisher: Universidad Nacional, Escuela de Historia, Heredia, Costa Rica.
Current Issue
Archivo General de Indias (AGI). View of the new town of San Fernando de Guadalupe on the Salto de Agua of the Tulijá River, which carries its current to the lagoons of Chichicaste and Términos. Maps and Plans - Guatemala, 271.