Food Safety Concepts in Primary Production of Milk


  • Leana Zumbado Gutiérrez Universidad Nacional Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria Cátedra de Inspección e Higiene de Alimentos, Costa Rica
  • Juan José Romero Zuñiga Universidad Nacional Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria Cátedra de Salud de Hato y Control de la Producción, Costa Rica



milk, primary production, food safety, dairy products, hazards


Primary production of milk is one of the most important aspects in the chain of production, processing and handling of milk and dairy products.  Consequently, producing milk from healthy animals under optimal management and hygienic conditions should be ensured in order to produce a safe quality product. However, although some hazards associated with primary production of milk represent potential risks to consumers, fortunately, they can be controlled following certain regulations. These hazards can be classified as physical (foreign bodies), chemical (pesticides, antibiotics, mycotoxins, heavy metals or disinfectants), and microbiological (pathogens). Complementarily, the dairy industry demands products from farms meeting desirable quality standards, which is achieved with the implementation of specific national and international standards aimed to reduce risks to an acceptable minimum. These standards include those issued by the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Therefore, dairy farmers, as well as associations, cooperatives, the industry and the government must promote and monitor the implementation of management measures that help to control the aspects that influence extraction and maintenance of milk.


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How to Cite

Food Safety Concepts in Primary Production of Milk. (2016). Ciencias Veterinarias, 33(2), 51-66.

How to Cite

Food Safety Concepts in Primary Production of Milk. (2016). Ciencias Veterinarias, 33(2), 51-66.

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