Editora en Jefe

This code of ethics refers to the principles that guide the editorial activity of Siwö 'Journal of Theology 
/ Socio-religious Studies. It concerns both the authors and those who do the editing and revision of the texts.

The chief editor

The chief editor is responsible for the overall management of the journal, the editorial aspects, and the scientific quality. Is the person responsible for guaranteeing the following:

1. The materials sent to the journal preserve their confidentiality throughout the review process.

2. Maintain an up-to-date database with qualified reviewers, ordered by academic grade and area of study.

3. Communicate the criteria for approval or rejection of the articles to the authors.

4. Review all the material submitted for evaluation, in order to detect plagiarism. For this it is recommended to use the Turnitin tool.

5. Maintain a duly qualified and impartial Editorial Council that can actively contribute to the development and good management of the journal.

6. Must summon, when necessary, the members of the Editorial Council. If any member of the Editorial Council is absent in more than three consecutive sessions, without any justification, the Editorial Team has the obligation to exclude him from the Editorial Council, with the approval of the rest of those who make up the Editorial Council.

7. Must summon the Editorial Team to decide which articles will be published, based on the criteria issued by the evaluators and by the Editorial Council.

8. If an article involves experimentation with human beings, it is the responsibility of the editor to inquire 
about the ethical criteria with which said research was carried out. When necessary, the editor may request detailed explanations about obtaining informed consent and the methods used to do so.

10. Must keep up to date the editorial policies, the rights and duties of the authors and the use of personal data website of the Siwö ’Journal of Theology / Socio-religious Studies (https://www.revistas.una.ac.cr /index.php/siwo). 

Responsibility of the editor in the face of bad practices 

The authors admit that the application and possible publication of their article in Siwö ’Journal of Theology / Socio-religious Studies will be governed by its editorial policies, the institutional regulations of the National University and the legislation of the Republic of Costa Rica. Additionally, in the event of any eventual difference in criteria or future dispute, it will be settled in accordance with the Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanisms and the current Costa Rican Jurisdiction. Inaccurate statements or errors should be corrected promptly and prominently. 



Documentos de Consulta:

-Marcela Aguirre Cabrera. (2010). Glosario Latindex. 20/05/2019, de Latindex Sitio web:
-Cope, Code of conduct and best practice for journal editors