The Effects of sexism against women on men's self-efficacy and performance in Mathematics: structural equation models from the theory of ambivalent sexism




Sexism, Mathematics self-efficacy, Math Tests, Structural equations models, Bayesian statistics


[Objective] This study is intended to explain the performance in mathematics tests of men at the high school and college levels, majoring in Social Sciences, Humanities and STEM, using a SEM model based on the theory of ambivalent sexism towards women. [Methodology] Data was obtained from high school boys in urban areas (2015), as well as college men majoring in the careers mentioned before. A structural equation model was estimated using maximum likelihood and generalized least squares estimation methods. Given non-compliance with the assumptions, estimates were made using Bayesian statistical methods. Finally, goodness-of-fit measures were evaluated. [Results] In the three groups studied, the relationships matched initial expectations. For high school boys, the relationship between hostile sexism and perceived equality in mathematics was not significant (coefficient: -0.02). In the case of college men majoring in Social Sciences and Humanities, the relationship between benevolent sexism and perceived equality in mathematics was also not significant (coefficient: 0.00). In the three cases, the higher the perception of equality, the higher the level of self-efficacy of the male students, which generates better performance in mathematical tests. Likewise, the higher the level of reasoning skills of the students, the higher their levels of self-efficacy. [Conclusions] Sexist ideologies negatively influence the perception of equality in mathematical contexts. Higher levels of perception of equality are related to higher levels of performance in Mathematics tests. The importance of reasoning skills in mathematical contexts was shown by the fact that all the estimated models showed such skills to be highly positively related to mathematical test results.


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How to Cite

The Effects of sexism against women on men’s self-efficacy and performance in Mathematics: structural equation models from the theory of ambivalent sexism. (2023). Uniciencia, 37(1), 1-21.



Original scientific papers (evaluated by academic peers)

How to Cite

The Effects of sexism against women on men’s self-efficacy and performance in Mathematics: structural equation models from the theory of ambivalent sexism. (2023). Uniciencia, 37(1), 1-21.

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