Influence of Means of Initiation to Training in The Design of Tasks in Soccer in The School Age (U12)




sport, soccer, planning, training


Currently, studies around the organization of training processes through tasks have become one of the emerging lines in Sports Sciences. Therefore, the present paperwork aimed to analyze the way of acting of a technical body of a soccer team in school age, U12, as well as to know the relationship of the means of initiation to training and the pedagogical, external load, and organizational variables that influence the design of homework. For this, a total of 177 training tasks framed during five competitive months were examined. In order to categorize the tasks, the Comprehensive System for the Analysis of Training Tasks was used to study the variables identified by the technical staff. A descriptive and difference analysis was conducted of the variables proposed in the study with the training initiation medium. The results demonstrated the existence of associations between the training initiation medium and the variables game situation, game phase, content-type, specific content (pedagogical). Associations were also identified/found in the variables density, number of simultaneous performers, competitive load, game space, and cognitive involvement (external load), and the participation variable (organizational). Associations were also found in the variables density, number of simultaneous performers, competitive load, game space, and cognitive involvement (external load), and the participation variable (organizational). Therefore, these results show the importance of knowing the restrictions related to the workload of training tasks. In addition, they provide the technical body with information on an easy, affordable, and informative tool to quantify workload. This method should be considered as a complement to portable devices for training load control and monitoring in invasion sports.


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How to Cite

Gamonales, J. M., Salgado-Santos, M. Ángel, & Ibáñez, S. J. (2021). Influence of Means of Initiation to Training in The Design of Tasks in Soccer in The School Age (U12). MHSalud: Revista En Ciencias Del Movimiento Humano Y Salud, 18(2), 1-15.

How to Cite

Gamonales, J. M., Salgado-Santos, M. Ángel, & Ibáñez, S. J. (2021). Influence of Means of Initiation to Training in The Design of Tasks in Soccer in The School Age (U12). MHSalud: Revista En Ciencias Del Movimiento Humano Y Salud, 18(2), 1-15.

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