Sedentarism in Costa Rican children: yes, there is a solution




Physical activity, movement patterns, games, physical education


The purpose of this article was to review the nature of physical activity patterns of children in order to relate them to the recommendations provided regarding the physical activity that children must have.  Additionally, these recommendations are compared to what has been done traditionally in Costa Rica.  In another section of the article, games are mentioned as an alternative for making movement fun for children and creating active lifestyles mainly using physical education classes.


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How to Cite

Álvarez Bogantes, C. (2006). Sedentarism in Costa Rican children: yes, there is a solution. MHSalud: Revista En Ciencias Del Movimiento Humano Y Salud, 3(2).



Scientific Articles

How to Cite

Álvarez Bogantes, C. (2006). Sedentarism in Costa Rican children: yes, there is a solution. MHSalud: Revista En Ciencias Del Movimiento Humano Y Salud, 3(2).

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