Vampp Bovino Software As Instrument for the Dialogic Mediation Between Academia and the Bovine Productive Sector


  • Juan José Romero Zúñiga Universidad Nacional Heredia, Costa Rica, Costa Rica
  • José Rojas Campos Universidad Nacional Heredia, Costa Rica, Costa Rica
  • Miguel Bolaños Segura Universidad Nacional Heredia, Costa Rica, Costa Rica
  • Gloriana Castillo Badilla Universidad Nacional Heredia, Costa Rica, Costa Rica
  • Bernardo Vargas Leitón Universidad Nacional Heredia, Costa Rica, Costa Rica
  • Sandra Estrada König Universidad Nacional Heredia, Costa Rica, Costa Rica



university, knowledge dialog,, participatory action research,, informatics,, development


The VAMPP Bovino software is a package to support decision-making in cattle, buffalo and pig farms. It was originally developed at the University of Utrecht (Netherlands) and brought to Costa Rica in 1986, as part of an international cooperation project (MHO program, Netherlands), to the School of Veterinary Medicine of the National University of Costa Rica (UNA). Here, at the Regional Center of Informatics for Sustainable Animal Production (CRIPAS), in the first instance, the program was adapted and validated to the Costa Rican productive conditions, to later transcend borders and be implemented throughout Central America, Mexico, the Caribbean and several countries of South America. This process has been possible, first of all, thanks to the support of the UNA to this project which, in fact, is the only one of its kind in the world that survives once the MHO financing ceased. Undoubtedly, this also has been possible thanks to the process of communication and constant dialogue with the stakeholders of the different segments of the livestock production sector of Costa Rica and the other countries where VAMPP is used. This dialogical process, which has gathered –and continues gathering– the knowledge and experiences of the people who are involved in, or are responsible for, the entire chain of bovine products, from production until consumption, is what makes it possible to incorporate them into a computer program that has benefited more than 2000 producers in different countries, especially more than 1500 in Costa Rica. Besides, it benefited all the participants in the production chain, but with special effect on the consumer who has good quality products (safe food) in good quantity (food safety). VAMPP Bovino is a successful university project model, carried out under the support of UNA.


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How to Cite

Vampp Bovino Software As Instrument for the Dialogic Mediation Between Academia and the Bovine Productive Sector. (2019). Universidad En Diálogo: Revista De Extensión, 9(2), 99-116.

How to Cite

Vampp Bovino Software As Instrument for the Dialogic Mediation Between Academia and the Bovine Productive Sector. (2019). Universidad En Diálogo: Revista De Extensión, 9(2), 99-116.

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