La evolución socio-cultural de la Amazonía prehispánica y colonial: Nuevas perspectivas en la investigación arqueológica y etnohistórica


  • Juan Carlos Solórzano Fonseca



archaeology, ethno history, agriculture, demography, historiography, pre-Hispanic period, colonial period, Amazonia


The Amazonia was longtime believed a barely inhabited region, with scattered hunter-gatherers tribes living there. This article, based on new research and findings, shows how, on the contrary, this territory had been densely populated. Socially complex villages occupied it throughout its pre-history times. It also exposes how the arrival of European was the start of the uprooting of local tribal organization and a severe population decline.


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How to Cite

Solórzano Fonseca, Juan Carlos. 2017. “La evolución Socio-Cultural De La Amazonía prehispánica Y Colonial: Nuevas Perspectivas En La investigación arqueológica Y etnohistórica”. Revista De Historia, no. 75 (April): 185-205.



Balances and perspectives (peer reviewed section)

How to Cite

Solórzano Fonseca, Juan Carlos. 2017. “La evolución Socio-Cultural De La Amazonía prehispánica Y Colonial: Nuevas Perspectivas En La investigación arqueológica Y etnohistórica”. Revista De Historia, no. 75 (April): 185-205.

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