Institutional economics and its relationship with productive sectors




Institutional Economics, development, productive sectors, public policies, regulation


Institutional economics theory regarding its relationship with productive sectors is discussed in this article. The main objective of the paper is to clarify the main contributions of institutionalism theory in the formulation of policies to support the productive sectors of developing countries. To this end, the article discusses the role of the State as a regulatory entity, public goods, and the importance of institutions in the socio-economic order of the country. From this analysis, it is concluded that one of the routes to strengthen the productive development of developing countries is having greater institutional development for two purposes: first towards the promotion of the integral development of people, who make up the society and are part of the workforce, and second towards the promotion of innovative dynamics that would include the implementation of new technologies.

Author Biographies

María Leonela Artavia Jiménez, Universidad Nacional

Licenciada en Economía. Académica e investigadora del Programa Sectores Productivos, Competitividad y Desarrollo de la Escuela de Economía, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.

Shirley Benavides Vindas, Universidad Nacional

PhD. Académica e investigadora del Programa Sectores Productivos, Competitividad y Desarrollo de la Escuela de Economía, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.

Álvaro Martín Parada Gómez, Universidad Nacional

PhD en Economía. Académico e investigador del Programa Sectores Productivos, Competitividad y Desarrollo, Escuela de Economía, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.


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How to Cite

Institutional economics and its relationship with productive sectors. (2018). Economía Y Sociedad, 23(53), 84-102.



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How to Cite

Institutional economics and its relationship with productive sectors. (2018). Economía Y Sociedad, 23(53), 84-102.

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