The Perception of Insecurity in Clorinda City
Perception, insecurity, topophobia, crime, ClorindaAbstract
This article is part of the results obtained from the research project Geodimensionando el delito in Clorinda City (Argentina) and the territories of insecurity [Geodimensioning crime in Clorinda City (Argentina) and the territories of insecurity], conducted in the Geography Career of the School of Humanities at the National University of Formosa. This study aimed to know the perception of insecurity that residents of Clorinda have in their city, to determine sectors considered topophobic, and to identify specific places where fear of crime is greater than in the rest of the city. To achieve these goals, the study implemented a structured questionnaire as a data collection instrument us-ng the survey technique. Then, an analysis scale was used; it allowed differentiating neighborhoods based on the sense of insecurity of the neighbors, making it possible to classify these areas in reference to the high, medium, or low perception of insecurity. This was followed by the identification of neighborhoods subject to residential stigmatization by neighbors. Clorinda is a case of special interest, as it is a border city that is also close to Asunción, the capital of the Republic of Paraguay; this proximity favors a permanent movement of people from one side of the border to the other.
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